
Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Like Kim Hyun Joong

semula aku tak menginginkannya
dan itu hal yang penuh pertimbangan
saat itu aku ke Jogja
untuk sesuatu hal penting
dan di rumah nenek
ramai sekali
dan aku tidur di bawah
karena untuk tamu - tamu yang berkempentingan yg datang
saat aku akan beribadah
seorang dengan glow skin and cool action
melintas di pandangan
like Kim Hyun Joong
I said
i was frighted
and try to seemed nearer than it
then i much think of that
wow, sangat interest
sebenarnya aku mengira dia seorang cewek
karena kulitnya yang whitee
aku menggamuminya

esokan hari
acara terpenting telah dimulai
look serious of his
every action, behavior
i saw his with blink blink eyes
how he so like kim hyun joong?
then i wish he will understand my sense

in noon
its a magic
when i sit on the chair while play my handphone
i saw he looked me in the corner
while he do same as with me

im so surprized
i felt sooooo happy
and sooo shy

but not long,
he will back to his home with his family of course

then i felt sooo sad
when i went out from inside
he came nearer to me

i felt cenat cenut
when he hold my hand
and grasp with his smile
and look at me
then he stand beside me for a several seconds
im so confuse of that

this is dream?
noo! it is real

OOoohh Kim Hyun Joong

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